Marvling Bros

Get Well Soon Bouquet in a Matchbox


Made in the UK, brighten a gift lovers day when they are feeling under the weather with this miniature bouquet of paper roses, beautifully presented in a matchbox.

On opening the matchbox an exquisite bunch of handmade purple roses in a tiny glass vase is revealed along with the message 'a bunch of love'.

A truly unique keepsake gift, this 'Get Well Soon In A Matchbox' is the perfect way to let someone know they are blooming amazing.

Bringing back the art of giving, two mums from Essex took their attention to the smallest details to a new level by creating this range of small matchbox gifts right here in the UK

      Shipping - UK P&P free for orders over £50 (£4.95 otherwise).All gifts are delivered gift-wrapped with gift cards.Letterbox Friendly DeliveryYou can choose a delivery date on the shopping cart page.You can send multiple gifts to the same recipient in the same purchase

      Further Gift Details

      Matchbox size: 55 x 36 x 16 mm. Materials: paper roses, wire, glass vial, paper matchbox. Roses in Glass Vial. Message: 'a bunch of love'.